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Top 60 Manufacturing Business Ideas

Jul 22, 2023Jul 22, 2023

Are you looking for manufacturing business ideas? If YES! Here are Top 60 Manufacturing Business Ideas.

As you are aware that the manufacturing industry has shown very good growth over the past few years. It is expected that the manufacturing industry is expected to grow at a similar pace. If you want to tap the potential of growing manufacturing industry, you should start manufacturing business. Manufacturing is a process of producing goods or product and selling it in the market.

You can plan to start manufacturing business on large scale or at a medium scale. However, you need to invest a lot of money when you start large scale or medium scale business.If you’re still running a manufacturing business for more than 1 year then you can also look for a manufacturing business loan of up to 50 lakhs from Indifi. You also need to take utmost care while selecting a product otherwise you may end up making losses. As per me, you should start a business at a smaller scale or from home and expand it at a later stage.

Here are Top 60 Manufacturing Business Ideas that you can consider while entering in the manufacturing industry. These business ideas are independent of geographical restriction and market scenarios. Be it India, USA, UK or Chania these business ideas will work everywhere.

For better understanding, I have divided manufacturing business ideas in various categories. The categories are –

#1 New Manufacturing Business Ideas

#2 Small Manufacturing Business Ideas

#3 Home Based Manufacturing Business Ideas

#4 Medium Scale Manufacturing Business Ideas

#5 Large Scale Manufacturing Business Ideas

#6 Industrial Product Manufacturing Business Ideas

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And a list of business ideas are given below –

Top 60 Manufacturing Business Ideas

As name indicates, new manufacturing business ideas are new ideas with lot of future business potential.

First new manufacturing business idea is Biodiesel Manufacturing. Biodiesel is alternative fuel. Biodiesel is produced from vegetable oil, animal fats, waste cooking oil etc. Biodiesel can be used in most of engine without modification. You need to do lot of research for developing biodiesel manufacturing business.

Second new manufacturing business idea is making of personalized gift items as per customer’s requirement. The personalized gift items includes key holder, t-shirt, mug, wooden frame, cushion cover etc. It is low cost manufacturing business which can be started from small place. Once your business is popular you can also plan to go online.

Food kit manufacturing is one of the fresh manufacturing business idea. In this business, you need to make readymade non-perishable food kit (Nasta Kit) or grocery kit. People who are running out of time are always looking for this type of option. You can start this business at smaller scale and plan to expand at later stage.

Candle are used as decorative items. If you have expertise in manufacturing of candles with various shape and size you can plan to start this business. Luxury candles are must have home accessories. Investment required for this business is low.

3D printer manufacturing is upcoming business idea. 3D printing is new technology. A usage of 3D printing is likely to increase in the near future. If you can gain expertise in manufacturing of 3D printer or technology used behind 3D printer you can earn lot of money.

Usage of plastic bag and plastic packaging material is banned in various parts of the world. This give birth to new business idea of making bioplastic packing items. Bioplastic is made up of renewable sources. It is an alternative of plastic to reduce the problem of plastic waste.

Customized mattresses and pillow making is new manufacturing business idea. In this business, you need to manufacture customized mattresses and pillows of various size and shapes. It is medium investment business and require appropriate place to start the business.

Average cost of constructing new home is increasing mainly due to increase in land cost. Thus starting a new business of making mobile homes could be very good affair. Investment required for this business is high. Apart from money you require expertise to run this business.

Health Supplement is manufactured product intended to supplement the diet. Health conscious people prefer taking health supplement for various reasons. If you have knowledge and expertise you can start your own health supplement manufacturing and selling business.

Small Manufacturing Business ideas are ideas that can be started at small scale and with less investments.

Furniture making, or wood working is among one of the easy and small-scale manufacturing business ideas. In this business you need to produce various wood items such as table, chair, cupboard, home furniture etc. You can make your own design or approach client to make customized furniture items.

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Stationary including paper, file and folders are always remains in demand at school, colleges, corporates and various other establishments. Thus, starting a manufacturing business related to file, paper and folder is lucrative option. You require paper pulp, wood fiber and hydraulic press for making folders and files. It is small scale manufacturing business.

You can also think making items used for sports such as cricket bat, stump, gloves, cricket kit etc. Kids and youth are crazy about sports and they spend lot of money on sports products. Thus, starting a manufacturing of sport-related items is very good business option.

Bakery is another small-scale manufacturing business that can be started at low scale. Bakery products such as bread, biscuit, cake are evergreen items and remains in demand. If you have skilled manpower for making such items, you can start this business. You need to establish supply chain for selling these items.

Honey making is a business of beekeeping or bee farming. Honey making is one of easiest business that can be started with low cost. Honey is balanced food and required by many individuals today. It is like making money from a hobby. You will need bee box, hives body, honey supers and packaging material for this business.

Jam and jelly making is a next small scale manufacturing business idea. Jam and Jelly are widely used for making cake and cookies items. Jam and jelly are used in the home as well as at the restaurant. Children are fond of jam and jelly. Looking at popularity you can start jam & jelly making business. You will need fruits, sugar, citric acid, preservatives and other packaging material to start this business.

All types of food, cold drink and chemical industries require a plastic bottle for the packaging. Nothing is available in loose packing except few things. So, it is good to start your own plastic bottling plant. This business requires a low to moderate capital.

Eye glass or frames manufacturing is a next business idea. There is a large market of glass and glass frames. You require skill person and machinery to start this business. You will need die cut, various glass material and machinery to start this business.

Starting a production of leather related item is another small-scale business idea. Lather items are used widely in the purse, jacket etc. Looking at market potential you can think of starting own business of manufacturing of leather related items. It is recommended to carryout proper survey before starting this business.

Mobile phone industry is growing at the faster rate. A usage of smartphone accessories is increasing like anything. Mobile phone accessories include Mobile charger, Bluetooth connector, headphone, carry case etc. If you have expertise you can start your own mobile phone accessories manufacturing business.

Home-based manufacturing business ideas are ideas that can be started from home and requires minimum expertise.

The first home-based manufacturing business idea is Incense sticks making. Incense sticks are widely used during worships and for special occasions. Incense sticks are rolled and made by hand or by machine. You will need bamboo sticks, wood glue, perfume for fragrance etc. If you are planning to do bulk production, it is advisable to purchase machine.


Pickle making is typical home-based business idea for housewives. Before starting this business, you need to create various pickle recipes. You can try multiple flavors such as mango, lemon, ginger etc. Once you are through with recipes make samples and start marketing. You also need to make proper packaging material for the pickle.

Organic Soap is handmade natural soap made up of organic oils and plant. Organic Soap is preferred by many people. The method of making organic soap is very simple. Ingredients required for organic soap are natural color, organic oil, moisturizing oil and jar. The investment required for this business is very low.

Hair and Beauty products are widely used by women especially in the beauty parlour. Hair and beauty products can be manufactured at home with low investment. You require expertise in making right beauty or hair treatment products.

Liquid soap making is another very good home based manufacturing business idea. In this business, you need to make liquid soap at home. The formula of making liquid soap, ingredients and packing material is very important for liquid soap making. This business can be started with low investment.

Chocolate making is home-based business idea especially for housewives and women. In this business, you need to make chocolate in various size and shape. The material required for making chocolate such as cream, sugar, readymade cacao bean and mould. The packing of chocolate is very important make sure to use decorative material to pack chocolates.

Next home based manufacturing business idea is hair oil making. This business is highly suitable for women. For making hair oil first of all you need to decide formula and type of oil. Hair oil can be made in different types such as coconut oil, tulsi hair oil, herbal hair oil, Amla hair oil, neem hair oil etc. After deciding type you need to arrange raw material and made hair oil and decide packaging method and price.

Handmade biscuit making is next manufacturing business idea. In this business, you need to make various biscuits. Most of the items required for making biscuit will be available at home. You require good recipes of handmade biscuit to start this business.

Cloth Making is another home based manufacturing business. In this business, you need to make customized cloths or designer cloths. This business require knowledge of sewing and designing cloths.

Cotton buds have very good market. Cotton buds are easy to make and require very little investment. You require sticks and wool to make cotton bud. Packaging of cotton bud is very important for generating good revenue.

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Bindi Making is very good home based business idea for women. Applying bindi is tradition in India. There are various types of bindis available in the market. You have to creative in order to start and run this business. You can make handmade bindi or plan to buy own machine for making bindi.

Medium scale manufacturing business ideas are businesses that can be started with medium investment.

Children toy is one big industry in India. It is evergreen industry. In order to start this business first, you need to decide prototype and raw material required for the type of toys which you will be manufacturing. Once you are done you can make machinery. Alternatively, you can purchase readymade machinery available in the market for the bulk production of toys.

Kitchen utensils such as pots, kettles, fry pans, cutleries and kitchen utensils are essentials in our homes. There is a large market for a kitchen utensil. So, starting kitchen utensil is a very good business idea. You can purchase readymade machinery for manufacturing of kitchen utensils.

Shoe production or footwear making is one of the medium scale manufacturing business idea. Shoes, boots, sandals are widely used in daily life. You can either employ manpower for making handmade shoe or you can buy shoe making machine for bulk production.

Electricity is life. Nothing work without electricity and electrical equipment. So, starting an electric fitting business could be a very good business idea. You can start electrical fitting manufacturing business with medium investment. To start this business, you must obtain several licenses and registrations from Govt. authority. This include BIS certificate and trade license.

Textile unit is business idea that demands lot of investment. In this business, you need to produce a raw fabric or other textile products to sell to individual or business. This business requires space and machinery. In addition to this, you need to evaluate market before starting this business.

Jewelry Production and sale is a profitable business option. This business demands extensive skill, training, and investment. A profit margin associated with this business is medium to high.

Flour is powder prepared from grain or other plant foods. Flour production is done in milling machine via grinding grain in the machine. It is medium investment business with lot of profit. Flour mill are available in various size and shape. You should select it based on your requirement.

It is very easy to make Sause at home. If you want to start Sause making at bigger scale you should buy Sause making machine. It is highly profitable business idea.

Large Scale Manufacturing business is business idea that requires a big investment and lot of space.

Paint manufacturing is one of the large scale manufacturing business idea. In this business, you need to manufacture paints for home and industrial requirement. You require lot of expertise and manpower to run this business.

Cement manufacturing is highly profitable large scale business idea. The demand of cement always remains high due to boom in the infrastructure sector. For starting cement manufacturing plant you require big space, lot of machinery and manpower.


The boom in real estate market always helps other construction related material such as Ceramic Tiles. This business requires a considerable amount of investment.

Woollen products remains in demand in the winter season. In order to start this business, you require knitting machine and raw material. Woollen knitting machines are of two types few are normal knitting machine and others are fully computerized knitting machine.

Chemical are used for various purpose such as food preservative, clothe dyes, hair dyes etc. To start chemical business you need special approval from the government. The plant and machinery required for this business is comparatively costly.

Drug manufacturing is also known as pharmaceutical manufacturing. You need to do lot of R&D to develop drug formula. If you are expert in this area or if you have competent educational background in pharma you can start this business. It is hard to get approval or license as drug manufacturer.

Engineering tool making means making tooling used to poduce products. Before making tools you need to make appropriate die or moulds. Once you are ready with die you can start mass production. You can buy appropriate fabrication tools for making tools.

Concrete block is widely used in real estate industry. Concrete blocks are available in different types such as solid block, paver block etc. In order to start this business, you need to purchase concrete block making machine. The cost of this machine varies from few thousand to lakhs.

Rice Mill is next big investment business. There is a large marketplace for rice in India and abroad. Rice is an essential food of majority population all over. You need to undergo with series of approval for establishing this business. After approval, you need to purchase and install machinery for rice mill.

Sugar Mill is one of the large scale manufacturing business idea. Sugar are produced from sugar cane. Sugar cane are crushed in to machine to produce white sugar. You required to setup big machine to establish sugar mill.

Industrial products are used in industries. Business ideas used to produce industrial goods is known as Industrial product manufacturing business ideas.

Storage tanks and drums are widely used in industry as well as home segment. You require lot of space and money to start this business.

Steel pipes and tubes are welded or manufactured using special process. In order to make steel pipes at larger scale you need to first prepare dimension and drawing. Once you are ready with dimension you can go for welding with special process or use machinery to produce pipe in bulk.

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Electrical pumps are used in industry as well as home. It is generally used to create pressure for pulling water or other related fluid. Pump manufacturing requires lot of research and development for producing new product. If you don’t have expertise you can go for technology transfer program.

Adhesive pressure sensitive tapes are used in various industrial process. It is made up from special types of adhesives and raw material. You require special machines to make these types of tapes.

Plastic PVC products are used widely in the industries. Plastic PVC manufacturing is small scale business which can be expanded to large scale. It is recommend to carryout proper research before starting this business.

In hose and hose fitting business, first you need to decide size. You should select a standard size. You can use machine for making hose fitting. Alternatively, you can start business of hose accessories making.

Rubber and rubber products are used at many places including floor mats, rubber gaskets, rubber auto parts, rubber parts and industrial rubber products. Rubbers are made up from latex or from rubber tree. Rubber product making means processing it as per requirement using machinery.

Industrial engineering goods includes pipe, coupling, ladders, fabricated small products or big engineering goods such as transport machine or capital goods. It is lucrative business. However, Investment required for this business is very high.

Conveyers and transmission belts are generally used on pulley. Conveyers & Transmission belts are rubber specific item. Special equipment’s are used for manufacturing of conveyers belts.

Water filter or filtration system is one of the complicated but highly lucrative business option. Before starting this business, you need to do lot of research to make your own filter system. Apart from water filter RO is also used widely in industrial as home segment.

Plumbing fittings is very good business option. You require special type of machines for manufacturing plumbing and fittings. Investment and efforts required for establishing this business is high.

Automotive parts manufacturing is highly profitable business option. If you are planning to start automotive part manufacturing make sure to select type and brand carefully. A success rate of this business is very high.

Over to You –

Note – All manufacturing businesses mentioned above require completion of company registration and other legal formalities.

Starting a manufacturing business is a very good idea. However, it requires dedicated efforts, meticulous planning, and capital in order to be successful. Make sure to cover each and every point before starting manufacturing business.

I hope Top 60 manufacturing business ideas will help you in making a selection about business. Select the best manufacturing idea based your experience, skill, knowledge, and availability of capital.

Don’t forget to drop your valuable comments and queries in the comment section.

Top 60 Manufacturing Business Ideas #1 New Manufacturing Business Ideas#1 Biodiesel Manufacturing#2 Personalized Gift Items#3 Food Kit Manufacturing#4 Manufacturing of Luxury Candles#5 3D Printer Manufacturing#6 Bioplastic Packaging Items#7 Making Customized Mattresses & Pillows#8 Manufacturing of Mobile Homes#9 Health Supplement#2 Small Manufacturing Business Ideas#10 Furniture Making#11 Manufacturing of paper, file & folders#12 Manufacturing of Sport-related items#13 Bakery#14 Honey-Making#15 Jam & Jelly making#16 Manufacturing of Plastic bottle#17 Eye Glass or Frame Manufacturing#18 Production of Lather related items#19 Mobile Phone Accessories#3 Home Based Business Ideas#20 Incense Sticks Making#21 Pickle Making#22 Organic Soap Making#23 Hair and Beauty products#24 Liquid Soap Making#25 Chocolate Making#26 Hair Oil Making#27 Handmade Biscuit Making#28 Cloth Making#29 Cotton Bud Making#30 Bindi Making#4 Medium Scale Manufacturing Business Ideas#31 Children Toys#32 Kitchen Utensils#33 Shoe Production#34 Electrical Fitting production#35 Textile Unit#36 Jewellery making#37 Flour Production#38 Sause Making#5 Large Scale Manufacturing Business Ideas #39 Paint Manufacturing#40 Cement Manufacturing#41 Ceramic Tile Making#42 Woollen Product Making#43 Chemical Production#44 Drug Manufacturing#45 Engineering Tool Making#46 Concrete Block Manufacturing#47 Rice Mill#48 Sugar Mill#6 Industrial Product Business Ideas #49 Storage Tanks, Drums and Containers#50 Steel Pipes & Tubes#51 Pumps and Pumping Machines#52 Adhesive pressure sensitive tapes#53 Plastic PVC products#54 Hoses & Hose Fitting#55 Rubber & Rubber Products#56 Industrial Engineering Goods#57 Conveyers & Transmission Belts#58 Water Filter & Filtration Systems#59 Plumbing Fittings#60 Automotive PartsOver to You –